Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina update 2

What a wild couple days. Let's see what I can remember.... I am totally wiped. I haven't cried yet. That's different for me, I am usually able to show emotions readily. Maybe too tired or too busy or too shocked.
Yesterday and today we spent MANY man hours (and woman hours, no doubt) preparing the local Episcopal school to be a relief center. We received amazing amounts of supplies - one trucker and his wife drove down from Canada and somehow wound up at our place with a huge load. We cleanued up some and tried to organize things.
Today was HOPPIN. We are setting up a medical clinic, I worked with folks from this amazing ministry, Water Ministry, that provides potable drinking water systems in poor countries all over the world. We put a unit in at the school so we now have drinking water. Then we worked on the power - I got my junior warden to come out and make sure we could receive power, and then THE LIGHTS CAME ON. The power company here has been doing AMAZING work. You cannot even begin to imagine the number of poles down, yet power is coming up all over.
The medical clinic is almost ready and we saw several patients today. More docs coming tomorrow. We are not sure how long this will last but we will see whoever needs us.
Tomorrow the relief part will be fully operating. We did serve a few dozen folks today, tomorrow will be very full. Word is out on radio, tv, etc. that we are there.
My LW is in charge of the medical clinic and is gleefully working hard. SHe so wanted something to do worthwhile.
Our bishop came down and all the coast clergy and spouses were together for Eucharist and annointing. It was a good time together.
At one point today the insurance adjuster for my church showed up at the school (he's their adjuster too).. I corralled the poor guy and off we went. We went to my former church site - it was still so amazing. The Bishop planted an Episcopal flag on the site. I have pictures to post, I don't really know how to do that on a blog. We went through the debris at the main building and our two back buildings. It is still hard to conceive.
I noticed the remains of houses that folks had just bought next to the church. Nothing left. Smashed cars. No furniture or freezers or anything. One VERY large beautiful new house on the beach was gone, they had been working so hard. Just the steps left.
The adjuster took pictures and I sketched out the church for him. There was no way to tell how it had looked before. No way.
Yet in the rubble earlier in the week was found my St. Pats coffee cup with my name on it, not even a chip on it.
That's enough...but this. If anyone wants to give directly to my church, you can do so. Email me and I will let you know how.

God bless
David Knight
STILL the Rector, St. Patrick's, Long Beach, Mississippi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David, you are in the prayers of this UCC pastor in Maine.
If the pictures are on the computer you are using, Blogger now makes it very easy to post pictures. Click on the little icon on your "create post" page that looks like a photo, then follow the prompts.
God bless you, your wife, and all the people of your church family.