First, for those who wanted to see the sermon for Oct 2nd, click HERE. I did not record it and the Word file is just what I remember from what I said.
I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of my LW (seen in the clinic at right). Right after the hurricane she decided what we needed was a free medical clinic - this was two days post-storm (mainly because she knows how to do medical missions, she no longer has a job - clinic destroyed and no jobs in town). After I asked the Bishop for permission, she ran with it. Having been on Honduras Medical Missions for years, she knew how to get a clinic up and going. Our Diocesan Panama Misison sent meds and supplies to get us started (and their team is working here this week). From our relief center she somehow connected with a group from Meridian that came down and got us going. A group from Charlottesville, VA came too (they were GREAT). Following them came Duke University ( wonderful team). The U of Miami now sends a group weekly - all hard workers. We've had docs and nurses and pharmacists from Canada, Indiana, Kansas....on and on the list goes. They began seeing 300 patients a day, it's around 125 now. They now go out in vans to mobile sites - FEMA trailer cities where people have been deposited with no food, no cars, no gas, no medical, no NOTHING. We have found 3 such sites this week and send supplies and medical personnel to them. It's very sad.
Anyway, I find myself very impressed with the medical community in America. So many have come, not just to our clinic but also to many others on the coast, giving of time and meds and skills to help us in our need. Bless them all. But mostly, I am impressed with my wife. From deep tragedy she saw a way to use the gifts God has given her, and the result is that literally thousands of people have gotten medical care these 5 weeks. She is amazing.
The folks working our medical clinic gave themselves the name "Doctors without Orders". Another group preferred "Doctors without Lawyers". Either way, thanks for coming. We need you. We need you bad.
I have to say that you are BOTH pretty inspiring to a middle aged curate in the UK.
Blessings as you minister.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers daily and you are both amazing
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