Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The 100 Word Sermon

A few folks had asked me to post this - it's from a few years ago. As a fund raiser at an auction, the highest bid item was the right to select what Sunday I would preach a 100 Word Sermon! They fought over this! Hmmph!
Anyway, the winner, a mom, picked, of course, Mother's Day. So I did it - here is the result. By the way at our auction last fall we auctioned another one of these, I am waiting for the winner to tell me when I have to do it!
I had fun with this....

100 Word Sermon

You are wondering, can it be done.
Will it be good? Will it be fun?

You know, this is hard to do
Preaching this gospel, can my words be few?

Jesus promises the Spirit to lead us and guide
To help us love, in Jesus, we abide

I will not leave you orphaned, I am coming to you
The promise of our Lord will certainly do!

The Spirit of truth, the Spirit of love
Sent by Jesus on the wings of a dove

I must stop now, hope it’s been fine
That’s all – it’s a blessing, that’s just ninety-nine.

1 comment:

crzyrn said...

HAH, you so funny............